MMHS has the experience to identify, quantify, and favorably negotiate the key elements in physician managed care contracts to achieve the best business results your market leverage can support.
Excepting statutory and other regulatory requirements, all elements of a managed care contract are negotiable. Because managed care contracts are initially drafted by payers to reflect payer interest, service agreement inequities, not discussed within the negotiations, are excluded from the give and take process; therefore, generally most non-mutual requirements are advantageous to negotiate. Accordingly, rushed negotiations usually advantage the payer.
Payers seriously consider cost to your practice when reasonably quantified and communicated. MMHS will calculate and effectively negotiate into each managed care contract, the cumulative expense of bundling, procedure approvals, claim re-submissions, additional documentation requests, denials for coverage and place of service issues, claim’s float, offsets, recoup, referral administration, bad debt, and the financial risk from corporate veiling.